Before you request/confirm visit arrangements, please familiarize yourself with my books so you know I will be a good fit for you. Some libraries have my books and they are also available anywhere books are sold.
Schools-Virtual Visits are $200 a session. For in-person pricing, click link below.
Program Description and Prices (Printable Sheet)
Reviews for programs (Printable Sheet)
I am very grateful that district grants and Parent/Teacher organizations have funded my visits in the past. If you need more detailed information to submit for a grant, let me know.
Magic Makerspace! I can lead this workshop but more adults are needed to be helpers. Maximum number is 50. Other option for larger groups is for me to do presentation and show students the magic makerspace items and leave mock-ups with teachers to do on their own after my program ends.

Since I am a former secondary English teacher, I absolutely love helping students at a local high school in an English elective (Children’s Literature) write their own picture books that they share at a local elementary. The Book of Untold Stories was written to help all storytellers/writers of all ages.
Questions? Email me. Click here to take you to contact page.
Videotaping of presentation needs to be cleared with me before program date. Copyrighted books are read during my program.
Official clearances to substitute were processed for me to work in local school district.
Copyright 2022. Sherrimaret.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.